Wild Women's Retreat

This retreat encourages self-discovery, personal empowerment and a cultivation of a deep connection with the wild and instinctual aspects of being a woman. All activities on the retreat are designed to honor the strength, intuition, and creativity that all women possess, drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of myths and stories explored in the book “Women Who Run with the Wolves.” 

26 May – 1 June 2024 – Booked out
9 – 15 June 2024 – Booked out 
11 – 17 August 2024 – Booked out

save the 2025 spring dates: 5-11 May, 23-29 June 2025


For 7 days (6 nights) retreat including all classes, workshops, hikes, accommodation at the Grove & 2 vegetarian buffets a day. The prices include everything for the week except your flights & transport to the space. Only a 300€ deposit is needed to make the reservation.

Helper tickets and scholarship positions available for single mothers, women living in Montenegro, and BIPOC individuals living in the Global South.


This is a journey into the heart of feminine strength and intuition. A container for self-discovery, unapologetic self-empowerment and a deep connection with the wilderness within & around us. While many have been conditioned to be a ‘good girl,’ this retreat offers an opportunity to unravel that programming and instead tap into the strength of embracing our authentic selves.

This is an invitation to embrace the wild within, dance under the moon and reconnect with the primal energy that defines the essence of being a woman. We invite you to a journey where you are free to run with the wolves and unleash the wild, beautiful power that resides within you.

These retreats are aimed for all women and people identifying as such.

“The doors to the world of the wild are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves

We will explore

  • Cyclical Living
  • Wild Plants & Healing Herbs
  • The stories in the book Women who run with wolves and how they can relate to our lives
  • Oral Traditions & Storytelling
  • Transformative Practices for Anger & Emotions
  • Wisdom of Fairy Tales & Pagan Beliefs
  • Ancestral Connection
  • Awakening Inner Sound & Expression
  • Integration Through Embodiment & Somatic Practices


  • Nature-centric
  • Liberation from all labels and “shoulds”
  • Raw & authentic


Us women have an inherited gift to connect with nature. In many ways, the feminine and nature share similar qualities and an innate rawness that over time has tried to be tamed. Nature has been a place for women to come together, to heal, to connect. We want to encourage you to find and embrace this healing connection back with the Earth where we all come from and will always be a part of. The untamed Montenegrin nature offers a unique chance to cultivate a deeper connection with the Earth and immerse our senses in its pristine wilderness.

THE PLACE “The Grove” Montenegro

A beautifully converted old mill house nestled within the stunning olive groves along the hills of Stari Bar. The place offers a quiet escape from the busyness of everyday life, serving as a nature hideaway. The Grove is surrounded by walking trails, pristine nature and a freshwater stream running through the property. Besides the cozy rooms, the facilities include a lush garden, fruit trees and chickens, large outdoor patio and plunge pool. 

Tucked away in a secluded valley, the mill house is conveniently located a short walk from the historic old town of Bar where you can explore the old fortresses and the old town. 


To truly reconnect with our wild nature, we must embark on a genuine digital detox, allowing ourselves the space to fully immerse in the natural world and rediscover our innate instincts.


Tara is reimagining the ways we connect with spirituality; shifting from individualistic to collective. 5% sales of every retreat will support local conservation groups or indigenous community projects. Empowering you to make inner transformation alongside meaningful collective change. You can read more about the organizations that we support this year in our philosophy page.

What our past guests have to say:

"I booked the trip spontaneously after a difficult week and that was exactly what I needed plus more. The warm atmosphere and the open hearted staff and amazing guests made me feel at ease. The whole experience put me through a phase of putting myself first which I will never but take home with me… It has been two weeks since I left the center and I have meditated every day and it has positively affected my every day lifestyle so much… I am able to take home so much with me, the value of happiness and self love and how to put more care into my mind."
Silva C.
"Thank you! This is the place where you will meet your tribe, connect with nature and yourself again. I only spend a week here and i feel like a different person. I feel energised, refreshed and myself again. I had a really hard last couple of months dealing with a lot of things but this retreat gave me time to reflect and learn tecniques to conquer my mental health problems… The movemenz classes where just what I needed i tried out yin yoga for the first time and loved it.."
Sanja P.

Frequently Asked Questions