Our Philosophy
What does it mean to connect? Connect to nature, to each other and to ourselves. At Tara we empower collective healing through movement, nature and community. We believe that if we’re aiming for a collective change, we need to build supportive networks and places for healing together.
Who is the Tara collective?
Tara is a collective of passionate teachers, activists, facilitators and wisdom keepers from all over the world. Specializing in movement, ecology, music, medicine, personal transformation, and playfulness. We extend a warm welcome to members of the LGBT+ community, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), individuals of all ages, and diverse backgrounds to join our retreats and community
Collective Impact
Tara is reimagining the ways we connect with spirituality; shifting from individualistic to collective. Every retreat will support local conservation groups or indigenous community projects. Empowering you to make inner transformation alongside meaningful collective change. At least 5% of sales meaning around half of our profits will donated from each retreat. Each group will be able to decide where the funds go.
This year we are supporting:
Riverlov & Montenegrin Ecology Society that aims to protect the last wild rivers in the Balkans and protect the biodiversity in Montenegro.
Buljarica Marshland to help protect the last Marshland on the Adriatic coast. The funds will go towards scientists and creating it into a nature park.
Utz K’aslemal Project k’iche’ Maya women from Guatemala that seek to empower and teach the new generations with ancestral practices of the Maya midwife tradition. Contact and learn more through paolabierma@gmail.com
Lumumba Village is a sustainable village for orphaned children whose parents have been killed because of the war for minerals and displaced families in the Congolese countryside.
Mira are women from Jenin refugee camp in Palestine that create handmade embroidered pieces that tell the story of resistance, identity and connectedness. Tatreez (embroidery) is a century old Palestinian tradition passed on from mother to daughter.