Sacred Activism Gathering

7 day gathering in Montenegro For activism & spirituality

We need activism rooted in love.⁠

Being an activist is the mission of our time, but how do we deal with inheriting a world in crisis? We might be feeling burned-out, alone and powerless, sometimes thinking we can’t do anything anyway. The aim of this retreat is to work with our inside worlds in order to strengthen the sacred connection we can have to our activist work. The retreat is open for anyone to learn and find their unique way of contributing to the collective change and for those engaged in activism already, seeking a period of peer support and rest.

12 – 18 May 2024 


Shared Dorm Room  – *Sliding Scale 420€ – 510€ – 600€
Shared Double Room – 700€pp
Private Room – 1300€pp

For 7 days (6 nights) retreat including all classes, workshops, walks, accommodation & 2 vegan buffets a day. The prices include everything for the week except your flights & transport to the retreat. Only a 350€ deposit is needed to make the reservation. You can view the accommodation details and photos here .

*Sliding scaleTo extend this form of financial aid to as many individuals as possible, we encourage you to be as generous as you can when selecting your rate.

** Scholarship Positions Several scholarship or discount positions available for activists in the Balkan region, Palestinian activists & the BIPOC community. Please contact us in writing if interested per email at


Through the reductionist approach of our system, we have experienced a split between political and spiritual. We want to make spirituality politically active and politics spiritually active. This can only be maintained collectively. 

As Albert Einstein famously said: “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.”, therefore we aim to come together, to share, learn and unite our forces.

This retreat goes also beyond personal exploration; it is a collective endeavor aimed at sharing crucial tools for systemic change. Our focus also extends to comprehending and discussing tangible solutions, exploring new systems and understanding how to effectively implement them. As we gather, we aspire to inspire fresh strategies for change.

What is Sacred Activism?

Sacred Activism is a force of compassion-in-action, blending spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion with wise radical action. The retreat is dedicated to inspiring and empowering curious individuals to become effective agents of systems change. 

Why is it important to bring together the Spiritual and activism? 

In the realm of spirituality, there’s often a linear perspective: “First, I’ll do my inner work, then I’ll help others.” However, it’s crucial to recognize that by engaging in the complexities of our systems, beyond mere consumerism, one gains insights into areas requiring spiritual growth. The value to the world diminishes if individuals, partaking in new-age practices and retreats, don’t return to apply those teachings actively in the pursuit of building better communities and hence futures.

Without a profound love for nature, reality, and the evolving world, our political efforts risk descending into a realm of division and disconnection. Our retreat centers around the belief that “the manner in which you approach is more important than what you approach.” 

Embodiment and Activism 

Embodied activism intertwines the physical self with socio-political landscapes, using the body as a canvas for protest and a medium to convey the narratives of marginalized communities. In this synergy of embodiment and phenomenology, activists gain a profound understanding of the complexities inherent in the fight against injustice, transforming the body into both the battleground and the medium for a symphony of change.


  • This retreat will be a combination of workshops, group dialogues, ceremonies, and embodiment activities. 
  • Becoming contextual beings and understanding the world around us: Exploring the crisis together
  • My body is a battleground: Embodiment practices as a tool for processing, finding radical rest
  • Understanding Systems change: Sessions on values, shared language and visions for post capitalist futures, explorations of existing and emerging alternative systems
  • Ceremony: Work with intentions and with guidance to find strength & direction in our work.
Reference and reading recommendation: Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Crisis by Alnoor Ladha and Lynn Murphy

THE PLACE “The Grove” Montenegro

A beautifully converted old mill house nestled within the stunning olive groves along the hills of Stari Bar. The place offers a quiet escape from the busyness of everyday life, serving as a nature hideaway. The Grove is surrounded by walking trails, pristine nature and a freshwater stream running through the property. Besides the cozy rooms, the facilities include a lush garden, fruit trees and chickens, large outdoor patio and plunge pool. 

Tucked away in a secluded valley, the mill house is conveniently located a short walk from the historic old town of Bar where you can explore the old fortresses and the old town. 

The meals at the retreat will be prepared by our favorite cooks, Mel & Rebe from our Tara community. Every day, there will be wholesome vegetarian food served at brunch and dinner. There will also be some snacks offered during the day.

Marijana Lemm

Environmental and social activist from Montenegro. Marijana is the founder of Tara; in the last 5 years she has poured her heart into creating Tara and the world-wide community. During this time she discovered her deep passion of working with people and ecology and realized how all these are interlinked. As an environmental activist, Marijana works with the protection of wild rivers and marshlands in the Balkan area and among other social justice issues. She loves sharing the medicine of movement and empowering people to find their own form of sacred activism. She also involved in 

Saeed Abu Alhassan

Saeed is a social innovator, designer, chef, and community-oriented facilitator. At heart, Saeed is an activist and an intentional human being who is passionate about cultural learning, food, and bringing people together. Of Palestinian origin, he grew up in Jordan.

Leon Lapa Pereira

Leon Lapa Pereira (he/him), is a cross-disciplinary performance researcher, who creates experienceable ecologies bridging humans and more-than-humans. He uses anthropomorphising methods to translate relational worlds and biological processes into movement, robotic agents, and performances. Through transformative practices, such as authentic relating, embodiment exercises and movement he gestures new ways of interspecies empathy and compassion.
Next to his teaching at the Interfaculty – Royal Academy of Art and Design, he combined his research interest with his activistic ideologies, which led to co-developing the Network of European Waterbodies. Currently, he is researching the topic of ecology for the Manifesta15 in Barcelona.

Jasmine Alakari

At the crossroads of Karelian heritage and Berlin’s vibrant spirit, I’m Jasmine—a filmmaker, musician, and climate advocate. My journey involves reconnecting with my ancestral lineage from the North with a commitment for meaningful systemic shifts. Trained as a filmdirector and certified in Indigenous Peoples Rights, I am committed to be a bridge between ancient wisdom and urgent challenges. With a training in Policy Change, Creative Climate Leadership and a background in producing CultureCOP and the Indigenous Peoples Hub at UN COP26, I co-founded SENTIENT this year —a platform collaborating with lawyers, scientists, technologists, and artists to safeguard water bodies and develop toolkits for systemic change. At the retreat, I want to co-create with you strategies for lasting systems change. 

Guido Ortega, Janq'o Kunturi.

Guido is a Yatiri (ancestral, aymara tradition, from Bolivia Qollasuyu marka). Guido practices and holds ancestral ceremonies with master plants such as tobacco, coca leaf, and other plant medicines. He works with different offerings and healings to honor universal life, and in this way to honor and respect our own life too. His grandmother was a ‘Qachakapera’, the person who serves the medicine in the Aymara tradition, from who he had the privilege to learn from. Guido has been living in France since 2019 where he has connected with Pacha Ajayu – an urban community of indigenous people that preserve their knowledge, culture, way of life, traditions, history and language of their ancestors. He is currently practicing and sharing the teachings of his lineage in Europe.


  • Individuals seeking to bridge the gap between spirituality and activism
  • Those looking to contribute to collective change & find their unique contribution
  • Activists feeling isolated or experiencing burnout or seeking peer support and rejuvenation
  • Curious minds interested in becoming effective agents of systems change
  • Anyone desiring to explore Sacred Activism as a force of compassion-in-action
  • Those interested in learning about the importance of integrating spirituality into political engagement


Tara is reimagining the ways we connect with spirituality; shifting from individualistic to collective. 5% sales of every retreat will support local conservation groups or indigenous community projects. Empowering you to make inner transformation alongside meaningful collective change. You can read more about the organizations that we support this year in our philosophy page.

Reference and reading recommendation: Post Capitalist Philanthropy: Healing Wealth in the Time of Crisis by Alnoor Ladha and Lynn Murphy

Frequently asked questions