Sacred Women's Retreat

A retreat devoted to spirit, the sacredness of life, homecoming to oneself and the deepening of sisterhood. Our aim is to create an environment where women can explore the sacred within themselves and the world around them. Rituals, movement, circles, ceremonies. Resonating with the sacred threads that weave through our lives. 

21 – 27 April 2024 – Booked out
2 – 8 June 2024 – Booked out
18 – 24 August 2024 – Booked out

save the 2025 spring date: 25-31 May 2025


For 7 days (6 nights) retreat including all classes, workshops, walks, accommodation & 2 vegan buffets a day. The prices include everything for the week except your flights & transport to the retreat. Only a 350€ deposit is needed to make the reservation. You can view the accommodation details and photos here .

Discounts & scholarship positions available for woman in the local balkan region and BIPOC community. 


Throughout the ages, women have gathered together to heal and connect to the sacred, not just through individual practices often observed in modern spirituality. In this retreat, we guide you through the potency of rituals, helping you tap into your instinctual senses. We weave the fabric of understanding through storytelling and deep listening, creating a space for collective wisdom to emerge.

As women navigate the demands of contemporary life, it’s easy to lose sight of the source of inherent in womanhood. This week-long journey serves as a sanctuary, offering you the chance to rekindle your connection with the sacred essence of being a woman and to rediscover the profound wisdom of your intuitive nature.  

Retreats are aimed for all women and people identifying as such.


Yoga & Movement classesSunset Cliff walkWomb health & Self careForaging & Herbal Connections | Sacred Activism │The Power of Myth & Storytelling│The importance of rituals & the elements in nature│Ancestral Connections│Transforming Anger & Emotional Release│Maya Fire ceremony


  • Individual & Collective healing 
  • Deepening of the connection with oneself
  • Awakening to the sacredness of life as a woman


  • Nurturing, calming, embracing
  • Connecting with self-love, the source of sacredness within
  • Cultivating an internal dialogue


8:00 – 9:30 Yoga or movement class
10:00 -11:00 Plant based brunch
12:00-14:00 The Importance of rituals & the elements in nature
17:00-18:00 Plant based dinner
19:00-20:30 Fire Ceremony & sharing circle

Your Retreat Facilitators

Marijana Lemm

Women’s space holder and environmental & social activist from Montenegro. Marijana is the founder of Tara retreats; in the last 6 years she has poured her heart into creating Tara and the world-wide community. During this time she discovered her deep passion of working with women, movement as well as nature, spcial justuce and realized how all these are interlinked. As an activist, Marijana works with the protection of wild rivers in the Balkan area and among other social justice issues. She loves sharing the medicine of movement, foraging, myths and empowering women to find their own form of sacred activism.

Paola Nikté

Paola Nikté, Yokot’an descent is a Traditional Maya Midwife, Healer, Ajq’ij ( Spiritual Guide) Indigenous Rights and Environmental Activist, based in Europe since 2017.

She inherited this gift from her Maya ancestors, a lineage of traditional midwives and healers of the Maya traditions of southern Mexico.

With her work she honors their ancestors and continues the tradition of her grandmothers, preserving knowledge and ancient rituals that help women in all their cycles (menstruation, fertility, infertility, pregnancy, menopause) thus promoting physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well-being of women.

Paola uses different techniques combining ancestral medicine and honoring Mother Earth.

Iman della Luna Glušac

Iman della Luna Glušac, born during the siege of Sarajevo in Italy and now based in Sarajevo, is a multi-faceted artist and visionary. She is the founder of a woman-owned business that creates unique jewelry, sculptures, and custom-made furniture, all deeply rooted in sustainability and individuality. Her artistic practice is intertwined with the rich landscapes and cultural heritage of Bosnia, using only biodegradable materials to advocate for ecological responsibility and human rights.
Educated in Creative Leadership at the Academy of Oxford & Creative direction. She combines artistic expression with spiritual depth. She is also a yoga teacher, Reiki master, women’s circle holder, ecstatic dance facilitator, and art therapy practitioner. Her work integrates various spiritual and psychological approaches, particularly focusing on the empowerment and healing of women.Iman della Luna’s holistic approach to art and life fosters a deep connection between the physical and the spiritual, inviting others to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.


The retreat is aimed for anyone who is especially interested in connecting to their feminine and spiritual side, nature and the collective through rituals and deep healing. Before embarking on this journey, we recommend you to answer to the below questions honestly:

  1. Am I ready and open to learning ancient practices with respect?
  2. Do I feel comfortable connecting to my spirituality?
  3. Am I here for healing connection (not for a brief yoga holiday)?


Tara is reimagining the ways we connect with spirituality; shifting from individualistic to collective. 5% sales of every retreat will support local conservation groups or indigenous community projects. Empowering you to make inner transformation alongside meaningful collective change. You can read more about the organizations that we support this year in our philosophy page.

What our past guests have to say:

Out of this world. The teachers create a safe space and they pour their hearts in their classes and workshops... The workshops are centered around wellness and self-care, they helped me to connect to myself as a woman, sometimes even pushed me a bit out of my comfort zone, which eventually feels completely rewarding. Our group was diverse and we connected extremely well, which also contributes immensely to the experience. This retreat is extremely nourishing, healing and loving, it rather feels like a whole journey."
Marta C.​
" A wonderful Retreat. It’s hard to know where to start - the whole week was truly wonderful and quite profound. I feel in a much better place coming home than I did when I left... I loved the wonderful teachers who were gentle, inspiring, playful and most importantly went beyond yoga as a physical practice. The full moon ceremony, the connections workshop, the fire ceremony all touched me deeply... was quite a week in a stunning location with yummy food (I’m not a vegan but am a convert) and beautiful house to stay in. "
Hearn O.​

Frequently asked questions